Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Toothless Ariel


As you all can see Ariel finally lost her first tooth. At school so I missed it but she said she didn't even cry. What a big girl I have she even gave Hayden an honorable mention in her letter to home explaining she lost her tooth. Brian is at the knee surgeon as we speak so we'll see what comes of that very soon. Please pray for rain, so I don't kill all Julie's plants and trees while she's in New York. Just kidding Julie, Alissa has my back and she knows more than me. It's just if I spend to much time with them they'll die. looking good so far and I'll try to not look or talk to them while watering. Any who. not much else going on in my boring life. Will try to remember to put note and tooth holder under Ariel's pillow tonight we forgot to last night. I'm pretty excited about keeping Martha's baby (one of amber's friends at work) tomorrow. There so cute when they are that age and can't talk back like mine does. I am so looking forward to also to a women's only get away this Friday and Saturday. Ariel will be having a sleep over with Amber, Jerry and Hayden. Pray for them this is the first time Ariel has been anywhere overnight without Brian or I. Guess I better go for now will update more soon. Love and blessings to all reading this sorry it's so boring but that's my life.