Friday, August 28, 2009

Things not to do continued

Make the coffee pot explode grounds all in the coffee and everywhere else. I'm banned from make coffee any more. Maybe that never happens to you but I seen other do it ooopps. Hurray school is in session. I am starting to get into the swing of things here. I started financial peace university by Dave Ramsey for the next 13 weeks. I am looking for to learning how to work our money and not let it work us. Barbara G would be so happy with me. Ariel has kid activities while i"m doing that so we both have fun while Brian is working and taking the course via CD but hope we can stay on board and make a difference in our lives by doing so. OT Starts week after next so here we go that 's three nights a week that we have after school activities oh boy didn't take long for that to start back up. busy busy busy. to much for all the calm I've grown accustom to since April. We are going to scottnwhite on the 2nd to a neurologist will keep you posted on that. Brian has been refered to a surgeon for his knee no news yet on when. Lots got done this week personal, legal and medically won't bore you with details but I kept the ball rolling which wasn't' easy as each person I spoke with had me doing something differant. I even have to find my marriage license to get a Texas driving license boy the are picky about who they let in here. But I remember my TX lic # and everything I think they are just picking on me. I'm sure ready for the long weekend, anyone else. Let me know what all you are doing with your time off.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

things not to do while living with your mother-in-law

SET THE KITCHEN ON FIRE! After a week of telling Julie I would cook diner that evening and not, I managed to move a pan with gresse to fast and set the burner on fire. After three times of blowing it out and it coming back bigger, no big suprise to some of you. I say hu JULIE. who runs over grasps the salt shacker which doesn't do anything and quickly grabbing the container of salt and smothering the flames. Not that impressive of action on my cooking skills I'd say. Never claimed to be a chef but would like you all to know I do cook sometime without burning down the kitchen. Julie and Don haven't band me from the kitchen yet but Brian did cook for us last night so maybe they just have a ploy between the three of them to keep me OUT. no more cooking maybe I should have tried that years ago. HAHA!

Yesterday was Ariel's first day of first grade. I did everything I thought I should took the supplies the day before, met the teacher, showed Ariel her new class, new outfit, check, check check. So Hayden and I went about our day with play and errands ect. then 350 came and I was out front waiting on the bus to drop off my big first grader. the Middle school bus came and went and then pulled up the bus with the magic # number on it and no Ariel. I jumped on thinking she must have been distracted and not noticed where the bus was but much to my suprise she was no where to be found. Scary!!! The schools number of course was busy and then I called the transportation department who put me on hold to find her. I waited as long as my nerve would let me and told Brian to just go to the school and get her. I called Julie to see if bus had taken her home and no so I made one last frantic call to the school and sure enough the answered and she was sitting in foyer with all the other lost kids of the day. THANK GOD! a few min later Brian pulled in with her and all was well again. boy o boy. I am still in shock that she is back in school it may take till next week to start enjoying it. More later on my adjustment to a life without my school aged child under toe. Till then!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So serious!

My girl is getting so big.

I'm old and can no longer stay up past 10pm. Stayed up till 1220am last night to see the meteor shower and did see several shooting stars and one up close meteor which was pretty cool. I however am going to pay for it tonight. I found a bible study and mom's group to join as soon as school starts so hello to my life back. Ariel and Hayden are so lovey today. I can't get enough of that! I will skip working out today for errands and appointments but will pick up tomorrow. Wanted to put on a couple of camp pictures of Ariel, she looked so serious the who program all the kids did. Can you belive they shot guns with the older kids at camp, Yes we are defiantly in TX Toto! Going on line to hopefully find video and take test to see what motovates me and my immediate family members. I'll let you know how that goes. Later.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not a baby any more.


On with the show.

I know some TX folks have seen a similar picture to this on Amber's blogg but Hayden looks like such a big boy in this picture and what a great smile! He is a joy and Ariel's best bud.

Well I have confirmed at least one person is reading, thank you Tammie. So here I go.

I am officially ready to get back into the swing of "normal" life. Working out, Bible Study ect. I am not volunteering yet as I need to balance give and take. I'm pretty happy receiving for now altho the guilt sometimes worms it's way in but only a little. Brian drove to Cedar Park (about an hour and half away at least the way the map told him to go) for his mri on knee only to find the machine had broken so he'll be going back on Friday. It's only 2 months since his doctor requested it, grrrrrrrrrrrrr! I can't wait till school starts. except I have to wake up early, double grrrrr! Ariel says Hi to everyone! now we are going to practice our letter writing and reading. Bye for now and thanks to my many fans. HA HA!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer fun TX style

I know it's been forever. We've had a busy couple of weeks. first week Ariel and I both took naps every day to catch up from Camp week. This was a great adventure for all the kids. I'm so thankful we were close enough to be invited. I have gotten Ariel started with speech and OT and have an appointment at scootnwhite hospital first of sept for further evaluation. I joined a gym yesterday oh how I miss our YMCA. Here's to a healthier and hopefully thinner me in no time. Sweet tea is hard to resist. Things I like about tx: blue belle ice cream, Mrs Baird's bread, stars and moon and sunset (seem to be better here to me anyway). Things I miss about CO cooler weather, my church/friends, Ariel's friends. Counting my blessings for our family. I know this is jumbled if you could live in my shoes for one day you'd know why. I went down to feed the fish in pond last night and they were (all according to Don) floating belly up. Yikes! We estimate we tossed about 200 lbs of fish. Thank goodness it was trash day today. Poor trash guys. We can only hope some of the baby cat fish ,we know are in there, will make it. Don't know why yet but sure would like to find out so it won't happen again. School starts in three weeks. Yikes! All other life plans will go back on line when that happens altho I don't know what Hayden will do without Ariel to copy and wrestle around with. Quite nap times for me tho. My goal is to get caught up on Tax input and get my historic computer out of Amber's home office. Well I hope you enjoy the photo of the kids at camp I'm posting from Julies website. I ALMOST FORGOT. I posted a prayer request last week. James D from CO was in car accident. He has been released and home doing quite well. I spoke with him yesterday. He is still slowly bouncing back with slow search for some words ect but is planned to make a full recovery. Keep supporting him with that and PRAISE GOD he's made it this far. better go see what the quite is about that can be scary with these two kids. Can't wait to see my husband again were are not on the same time zone right now, soon tho. Is anyone even reading this???? Is anybody out there??